Gym Cleaning for Health and Hygiene
Gym Cleaning for Health and Hygiene
Your gym members can expect to get a great workout but if your gym cleaning routine isn't up to scratch they'll be getting a whole lot more. Gym's no matter what type are a hub and breeding ground for germs and bugs. Good gym upkeep can help increase member satisfaction and help curb the spread of germs that can cause Colds, Flu's, Athleteโs Foot and even the more deadly Staph or MRSA just to name a few. There are many types of cleaning products on the market but are they scientifically proven and tested? Are they natural and/or organic or are they chemically made that can possibly lead to skin allergies or chemical toxicity...no thanks.
As passionate martial artists, we've done the test and research and found that the best products are not found in the supermarkets or have the biggest commercial budgets, but the smaller brands are made by passionate individuals who strived for better. New emerging brands such as Seed Organic,ย Defense Soap and Roll Clean are just 3 great companies that have challenged the big name and re-invented the cleaning wheel and tapping out the big name brands.
Here are a few ways to help keep your gym healthy and hygienic and gives your members a great all-around experience ...
Keep your hands clean.
By the time you get to the gym for your workout you've most likely done one of the following things, coughed or sneezed, touched door handles, shaken up to half a dozen hands, held onto several handrails, pushed a few elevator buttons, dealt with money, attended a bathroom or two, used a touch device such as phone, tablet or touch screen, used a communal piece of equipment the list can goes on, all before walking in the front door of the Gym. As you can see, your hands are most likely the main or preferred transport method for germs to get around. As a Gym owner, you can help eliminate the spread of germs and bacteria with the strategic placement of Hand Sanitiser at the front reception counter, on bathroom bench tops, in change rooms well as setting up a Sanitising Station around your gym or near drinking fountains for easy access. This will help kill the nasties and help eliminate the spread of bugs around the gym. Take the preventative approach. Prevention is better than medicine and besides as a gym owner, you can't afford to be sick yourself. We highly encourage people to use the 'apply upon entering' and 'leaving' methods and ensure their hands are clean upon entry.ย This will minimise them bringing germs home with them and contaminating a family member. The best product for this is the Seed Organic Hand Disinfectant. It quickly goes on to kill germs and bugs.ย This product is also great for the smaller gyms that don't have showers or for those on the run. Come in 3 different sizes from aย great counter or tabletop 500ml to a 5 and 20-litre drum for extra saving.
Wash / Disinfect your Hands and Body.
When youโre done working out, make sure to wash your hands. For those taking showers, it will help you loosen those tight muscles and a chance to wash away any germs or bugs picked up off equipment or the environment. All of the sudden those barbells, bumper plates, treadmills, benchpress and sit-up mat don't look that clean. Thankfully we have partnered with Seed Organic for the ultimate organic cleaning solutions for any gym. But don't let the name or subtle smell of Almond Vanilla fool you, the Seed Organic range is the only lab-tested Log 6 organic cleaner on the market. For those who donโt know what Log 6 is, well it's to the power of six or in other words 99.9999% kill rate. For quick on-the-go hand disinfecting try the Seed Organic Hand Disinfectant. For hand or full body,ย consider the Seed Organic Hand & Body Wash this is a great full body head-to-toe wash.ย
Another great product that lends itself more to personal hygiene is Defense Soapย
Wiping down the Equipment.
This is a tough one as your members aren't there to do that job and it most likely isn't on the job description of most part-time gym staff. Walk into any gym regardless of size and you'll find between 100 - 300 pieces of equipment. If you had to wipe down every piece you'll either be there all day or have to employ a full-time Equipment Wipe-Down Specialist. Instead, create an equipment cleaning schedule that will highlight equipment that needs more attention through to the least. More popular equipment gets more attention and is cleaned on a daily basis while the least can get looked at every second or third day and some on a weekly basis. Just remember the more you do, the more people will notice and appreciate the fact that management and staff care for the benefit of members. The best all-surface cleaner for equipment,ย benchtops to furniture is the Seed Organic All Surface Cleanerย Simply place in a spray pump bottle and spray and wipe on countertops and flat surfaces and sprayย over equipment like kettlebells and dumbbells.
Keep your Gear Clean.
Boxing Gloves, Focus Mits, Thai Pads,ย Kicking Shields, Punching Bags etc can get sweaty and grimy and should be wiped down between sessions for the ultimate cleanย experience. A light spray and wipe of flat surface vinyl such as punching bags is a must for all gym owners to ensure the ultimate clean gym.ย Use the Seed Organic All Surface Cleanerย for this type of cleaning.ย
Keep your Fuji Mats Clean.
You have a no shoe policy for your Fuji Mats, that's great but what's your policy on wearing shoes to the bathrooms? if you have 3 ~ 4 people going to the bathrooms, changerooms or carparkย barefoot per class, you now have potentially up to 12 pairs of feet whoย risk the chance of contaminating your mat space with all sorts of germs and bugs. This doesn't sit well for Yoga,ย Judo, BJJ or MMA spaces that rely on clean mats to perform their art.ย Your gym might not be clean and sanitized to the level that you expect. The best practice here is to encourage everyone to wear flip-flops/sandals to keep their feet from touching anything that might cross contaminate your Fuji Mats. There are two great floor cleaning options from Seed Organic Concentrate Floor Cleaner which mixes down to make up to 1,000 litres of cleaner. When the going gets toughย the Seed Organic Heavy Duty Discenfectant cleaner with a hospital-grade germ-killing action.
Not feeling well,ย stay at home.
Lastly, encourage members to stay home and recover when feeling sick. There's no race to be the best.ย
For more information about any of our cleaning products, simply visit our Cleaning Range page for a list of all our cleaning products.