MMA Cages

Fuji Event Series MMA Cages are engineered using the highest and safest standards to offer the best possible experience for competition and gym owners. With a systematic design and carefully thought out design, we tried to bring you the easiest IKEA design simplicity with the best functionality you ever need in an MMA Cage. Durable heavy-duty fencing for longevity and performance and a minimal tool set-up design, we understand you'd rather get your hands dirty training and not grappling nuts, bolts and wrenches. We are proud to bring you the best cage in the MMA business!!
With the most extensive design options to allow you to customise your vinyl colours, full printing capabilities for your custom logos, Catwalks or Cameraman Perch to help take your pro events to a new level as well as your choice in Vinyl or Canvas Covers, as well as a variety of colour options to help you stand out from other gyms or events.
Call us or Email us with any questions, orders or custom quotes.